Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning

Virtual Learning Solutions

Assess and Develop Employees Virtually!

Are you looking for an economical alternative to traditional classroom learning, surveys and assessments? If so, then Hicks-Carter-Hicks has the solution! H-C-H offers an online suite of organizational management tools to augment our existing state-of-the-art HR and Management Consulting services. H-C-H is an affordable approach to automating workforce learning, surveys and assessments.

H-C-H offers an array of asynchronous, self-paced on-demand courses that include Leadership Development, Compliance, Civility & Respect and numerous other modules. H-C-H’s online courses are SCORM compliant, which means they can be taken as stand-alone sessions from any computer/mobile device or integrated into your existing Learning Management System.

Virtual Learning Leadership Essentials Series

Take advantage of the courses we offer to maximize the potential of your staff, extend resources to your management team, develop all employees, and facilitate a healthy, productive, and positive working environment.

The Essential Skills of Communicating teaches you how to craft clear and concise messages, deliver messages designed for the team member, use active listening skills, align your verbal and nonverbal communication, and provide impactful feedback.

The Essential Skills of Leadership will give you the four foundational skills for effective leadership: focusing on behaviors and facts (not attitudes or opinions), encouraging team member participation, maintaining team member self-esteem, and running effective meetings.

Coaching Job Skills teaches managers how to successfully coach members of their team. The course covers both how to train new skills as well as how to help your team improve their existing skills.

Communicating Up helps individuals more effectively communicate with their bosses by gaining an understanding of different styles, preferences, and situations and crafting communications accordingly.

Delegating helps managers master the skills necessary to effectively assign work to others. This includes determining what to delegate, to whom to delegate, and how to successfully discuss the assigned task.

Effective Discipline provides managers with the tools necessary to dramatically reduce the problem behaviors of employees. This course covers when these kinds of conversations should occur, how to keep them fact-based, and how to keep the responsibility for solving the issue on the team member.

Work habits are non-performance based issues, such as showing up late, not wearing proper clothing, or not following the break policy. Improving Work Habits helps team leaders develop the tools to have effective discussions with team members about poor work habits.

Managing Complaints helps managers effectively handle employee complaints in a manner that supports the employee while maintaining team goals. The course covers how to identify underlying symptoms of complaints and use active listening skills in complaints conversations.

Resolving Conflicts equips team leaders with the tools necessary to recognize conflict amongst team members and a process to resolve it quickly and
effectively. This includes understanding the phases and sources of conflict, learning about different conflict behaviors, and understanding the steps to successfully resolve a conflict

Supporting Change helps managers recognize, understand and interpret change within their organization so that they can more successfully manage their team throughout the process.